Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The 30 Day Photo Challenge is BACK (Day 16)

Day 16: a photo (or two) of your typical night

I'm not exactly the most exciting person I know, so typically my (week)nights have three big things in common: M&Cs, Homework, and Torchwood. All resulting in a relatively early bed time (a product of 8:30 classes every day Monday through Friday)!

What my nights mostly are comprised of: religion reading, French essay-writing, and the occasional Anthropology or Russian History reading/assignment. Pictured above is an excerpt from Eldridge Cleaver's Soul on Ice which we read for (what else?) my religion class. 

It probably comes as no surprise to you, but I've recently changed my mind about my minor. I am now officially going to major in Sociology and double-minor in History and Religion (even if the registrar insists on only allowing one minor on my diploma). 

I don't know if I've mentioned this, but...IAMAHUGEGEEK. Seriously, I'm trying to take this class next semester entitled "Religion in Science Fiction" and I've honestly watched/read most of the course readings/films already. Above is my compooter playing my most recent sci-fi obsession, Torchwood, of which I usually watch one episode a night post-homework.

And here's the thing about Torchwood: it's a spin-off of Doctor Who, which doubles the geek factor. I've seen so much Doctor Who that there is no more for me to watch on Netflix so I turned to the spin-off series. It's not as good as Doctor Who but good grief, it's addictive. 

And the worst part is?

I literally just finished the entire series. Like, tonight. So I went ahead and bought Season 5 of Doctor Who which, let's be real, will easily replace Torchwood in my nightly escape to space. 

thanks grace for taking the photo!
And finally, one of the most magical things about Mount Holyoke: M&Cs! Short for Milk and Cookies, this MoHo tradition goes back a ways and definitely is one of my favorite things about college. Every night, Sunday to Thursday at 9:30PM, the dining halls open again with snacks and drinks for everyone. Sometimes the snack is graham crackers or left overs from dinner, but every once in a while we get real gems like oatmeal cookies or fresh apples!

And then I go to bed, ideally at eleven. While the concept of all-nighters and staying up super-late is not a myth among my friends at school, I refuse to do that. I value my sleep too much and definitely am a morning person (we're a rare breed, I'm learning). Being chronically ill also isn't too becoming for a wheezing asthmatic like me, anyways!

In other news, my dear friend Mary whom I interviewed on my radio show two Saturdays back passed along a really awesome blog post concerning nonviolence yesterday! If you're curious/want to hear another perspective on nonviolence from a Christian preacher's perspective I warmly recommend you to check it out here

And speaking of the radio, I had my first live band on the show this Saturday! They're called Kid's Choice and they are INCREDIBLE! Super nice guys, super sweet music, and super smart things to say about their top ten list! They are definitely going to be back on Juxtaposition again in the fall. While right now I am struggling to find a place to archive my shows online (bandcamp doesn't like me too much, but if you have alternative recommendations please leave in the comments!) there are some pretty cool plans in motion that will correct this problem! More on that another time, though!

Okay it's 10:30. Time for a chunk of a Doctor Who episode and sleep. Until tomorrow!

current jam: "skinny genes" eliza doolittle (new love!)
best thing in my life right now: being able to ride my bike and wear sundresses without winter layers!
days until departure: 53

1 comment:

  1. That's so adorable that your school does snacks in the evening. We have free breakfasts every other week, and specific snack days - but it's student groups running these things, not the school itself.
    Did you start university as a Sociology major? Or were you Undeclared to begin?
